Can text boxes and pictures be imported into a test?
In many of our subject areas, there are graphics that are part of test questions, but only the text can be imported into the Audio Exam Creator.
Students need a print version of the test booklet for answering the questions and for the pictures, graphs and other non-verbal information. The app is intended to perform the same function that a teacher would perform if they were doing read-aloud testing. It voices all the print words that the student needs to hear in order to understand what the question is asking.
Most teachers import the text for test questions because it's much faster and easier for students to keep track of the test question when it's on the device, but the text does not always have to be displayed. Some teachers create Audio Exams on the fly and don't import the text for the test questions. The student only sees a number or letter that corresponds with the number or letter on their test booklet. They follow along in the test booklet while playing the test questions from the iPad/iPod touch/iPhone.