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Prepare test questions in any word processing application (Formatting)
To have Audio Exam Creator make an entry for instructions, an introductory paragraph, or any other text that is not a test question proceed the text with “###”.
Example: ### (Look at your printed test for visual information, and answer your questions there.)
To have Audio Exam Creator automatically subdivide your test into test questions, start questions with a number and a period, followed by a space.
Example: 3. Which president was the first to...
NOTE - Options for labeling test questions are:
number-period-space (default), Example: 3. Which president was the first to...
number-parentheses-space, Example: 3) Which president was the first to...
number-space-space, Example: 3 Which president was the first to...
Letter-period-space, Example: C. Which president was the first to...
Letter-parentheses-space, Example: C) Which president was the first to...
Letter-space-space, Example: C Which president was the first to...