Import Text into Audio Exam Creator
There are multiple ways of importing text (.txt or .rtf), but the simplest way is to use “Cut and Paste”.
(1) Using a computer, iPad, or any device, create your test questions in a word processing program, or copy test questions from webpages or other text documents.
(2) Paste the text into the body of an email message that you can open on your iPad.
(3) Send that email to yourself, open it on your iPad, and copy the text.
(4) (Optional) Paste the text into a Notes page and copy the text from that notes page before going on to the next step (Notes will strip away any invisible symbols and invisible formatting that can cause problems.)
(5) Open Audio Exam Creator.
(6) Tap "New Test”, tap “Import Text”, and see the “Test Import” page.
(7) Tap “Paste" and see your test questions appear in the the “Test Import” window.
(8) You should see dotted lines separating your test questions if your questions start with a number, a period, and a space (For other formatting options, see that help topic "Preparing text for importing into Audio Exam Creator").
(9) Tap “Import" in the upper right-hand corner.
(10) You should see and Exam Creator page with your test questions listed and numbered in the left column, ready for you to start reading test questions.