Export/Import Teachers Version of an Exam
Export via email
An Audio Exam Creator file is the teacher's original source file. When it is exported via email, it is a .aet file and can be saved as a back up like any file on a computer, or any storage device, and reused by the teacher or sent to another teacher. The original teacher’s source file, the .aet file, requires the Audio Exam Creator to open, edit, and reuse. To email the .aet files to yourself or to others, click the email envelope icon at the lower left of your Creator page.
Import via email
To return an exam to your iPad or install it on any iPad that has an Audio Exam Creator, include the .aet file as an attachment in an email message to that iPad. Open the email message using Apple’s Mail. Tap the attachment and see a window pop up giving you choices for how to open the attachment. You will see the Audio Exam icon. Tap on that icon, and see your imported test open within the Audio Exam Creator.
Sharing with your colleagues
If you share your original exam, .aet file, with other teachers who have the Audio Exam Creator installed on their iPads, they will use the same procedure, importing the .aet file with Apple’s Mail. Once they import the .aet file they will be able to use it as if they had created it -- broadcasting it the way it is, editing it, rebroadcasting it, saving it, and backing it up.